Season 1 Introduction
Hi, I'm Nick Mann, a UI/UX designer, and welcome to the introduction of season one of the UX growth podcast.
This is a podcast where I will be talking with other professionals in the UX industry to learn how they work so we can grow and continue our practice of helping users have enjoyable experiences.
These episodes will be about 30 minutes long, and each season will be about ten episodes. It largely depends on my workload and when the next season begins, but you can expect it within a few months.
More about me is I'm from Tacoma, Washington state, and hold a degree in graphic design from Pacific Lutheran University. I've worked with many different market agencies and have worked in graphic design, front-end development, and copywriting.
My next challenge is in UI and UX design to push how we can grow as a profession and solve problems as effectively as possible.
I welcome you to check out the first episode, and you can contact me on Twitter, and my email is You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.
Thank you for listening, and let's keep growing.
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